Europe in Rural Albania

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Activities of the Albanian Network for Rural Development - ANRD

Rural Youth Hub launches rural youth movement |
12 - 14 December 2019

At the closure of the Traveling Workshop "The Reality of Young People in Rural Areas Between Challenges and Aspirations for the Future", Albanian Network for Rural Development - ANRD is pleased to share with you the latest effort dedicated to rural youth. Twenty young professionals from seventeen Albanian villages participated in a three-day event to discuss the challenges young people face in rural Albania.[Read more]

“We decided to stop writing unfinished letters. The only good war and bad peace - our efforts, with handshakes.”

Coordinator ANRD Youth Hub

Traveling Workshop, along the path of wine and olive | 14-15 November 2019

“To discover is not simply to travel far to find new things, it is enough to look at what nature and human has created near you. " Traveling workshop along the path of wine and olive was organized on November 14-15 in rural areas of Tirana and Durres. [Read more]


The First 5 Trainers in Albania Certified on the LEADER Approach! |
Oct 18 - Dec 5, 2019

With the support of GIZ and RRD SWG in Skopje, training on the LEADER Approach in the Western Balkans was successfully conducted. Among the 35 participants, 5 participants were certified by the Albanian Network for Rural Development. [Read more]

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A reflection on Rural Exodus in Albania
"Author: Evelina AZIZAJ"
26 November 2019

This article was originally published in German in Info Europa Magazine, a supplement to the Austrian newspaper Die Presse, which has a wide audience. The November 2019 issue addresses strategies against rural exodus in the Danube region. [Read more]
Albanian Rural Parliament

Articulated as an idea in 2016, the "Rural Parliament" has become a project that everyone starts believing in and is now turning into an inclusive practice to promote and undertake from the bottom up necessary reforms aimed at revitalizing and rebirthing rural areas. [Read more]
Fourth European Rural Parliament
Asturias, Spain, November 4-9, 2019

The fourth European Rural Parliament - The Voice of Rural Europe – was held in northern Spain, in the coastal village of Candas, Asturias from November 6-9, 2019. The event gathered around 355 participants from 40 countries, five of whom were from Albania and three of them representatives of the ANRD. The Parliament was attended by many young people who organized the Second Rural Youth Parliament from 4-6 November. [Read more]

Edited by: Gent IMERAJ
© Copyright 2019 ANRD

[Versioni Shqip]

President of “Albanian Alps Alliance” organization. Petrit is a project leader, lector of different conferences, trainings, forums, etc. He, self-tried to create "a significant painting for the North Albanian Alps". Professional guide, licensed for ecotourism and nature tourism (wildlife research), referenced by the most prestigious tourist guides on the Planet. Author and co-author of several articles of didactic-scientific and informational character in domestic and foreign print media (maps, guides, scientific articles, etc.). Implementer - author of personal photo-exhibitions on the natural values of the mountainous region in Albania, England, Germany, Czech Republic. On December 11, 2019, World Mountain Day, Petriti said in the media: "#MountainsMatter these years is the call to the young people of the mountains, #MountainsYouth".