An open letter addressed to the Prime Minister of Albania, Mr. Edi Rama on the problems and recommendations to support the residents of rural areas in the emergency situation caused by Covid-19
Rural communities in Albania are experiencing a series of problems caused by the lockdown measures imposed by the Government of Albania in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak.
Concerned about the deterioration of the quality of life of farmers and residents of rural areas, the Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD) sent an open letter to the Prime Minister, Mr. Edi Rama, to make known the problems caused by lockdown measures limiting the free movement of people and the exercise of economic activities.
The letter addresses the main concerns raised by farmers and residents of various rural areas of the country through their organizations, members of the ANRD, and offers recommendations for improving the situation.
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"Being aware of the difficult situation and the challenges in this time of crisis, ANRD and member organizations express their readiness to contribute to supporting the improvement of the situation."
Albanian Network for Rural Development
Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on the agricultural and rural sector. Video-conference of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr. Bledi Cuci, with representatives of agribusiness and rural NGOs
On April 11, Albanian Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development organized a video conference with representatives of agribusiness and rural development associations to discuss the effects of pandemic in the sector, as well as to identify possible support measures. Representatives of the Albanian Network for Rural Development were present at this online meeting. The meeting provided an opportunity to bring to the attention of the Minister some of the issues that ANRD member organizations raised on the effect of COVID pandemic in rural areas.
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(Rural) Social Distancing
"How can we connect? How can we foster a sense of solidarity and self-help between the rural residents and other rural stakeholders? Can we challenge rural distancing? How? If you have ideas, reflections or would like to share a personal experience on this situation in rural areas, write to us at info@anrd.al. After that the Rural Parliament will come soon ... can today lead us to the discussions and conclusions we will get tomorrow!
This short article from Evelina Azizaj, ANRD National Coordinator, was written after the 2nd Albanian Rural Parliament was suspended as a result of the COVID-19 crisis.
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Adaption of Albanian agriculture to the global situation caused by COVID-19: Time for a "Green Patriotism."
Prof. As. Dr. Enver Isufi, from the Institute of Biologic Agriculture, in an interview for Tv Apollon in Fier, shares valuable insights into the impact of the crisis on agriculture and the environment.
“I consider that this situation will generate rather more optimism and will mobilize new energy in all segments of the population. I want to end with the call that now is the time for a "Green Patriotism," which goes beyond agriculture and food.” [Read the full interview]
‘Smart Villages are communities in rural areas that use innovative solutions to improve their resilience based on local strengths and opportunities. In particular, Smart Villages mobilize solutions provided by digital technologies’ (ENRD, 2019).
In terms of quarantine and restriction of economic movements and activities, are Digital Skills the solution for rural youth?
[Read about Webinar]
Be part of different activities at national and regional level dedicated to rural development. In this section, YOU will be introduced to various options. You are welcome to participate, contribute and exhibit your skills and knowledge in these activities.
Regional Rural Forum of Drin Journey to the 2nd ARP 6 March 2020
The Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD) organized the Regional Rural Forum of Drin on March 6, 2020 in the city of Lezha. The forum was organized in the framework of the 2nd Albanian Rural Parliament (originally planned for April 2-3) and represents the first out of the four forums that will precede the Parliament. [Read more]
Call for Grants “Networking and Advocacy for Green Economy” (NAGE) Afati: 1st of May 2020
The NAGE sub-granting program aims to provide small grants for the implementation of green entrepreneurship initiatives by grassroots CSOs for the implementation of important projects for local communities through strengthening the capacities of smaller CSOs. [Read more]
Board Meeting of ANRD organized online 30th of april 2020
ANRD Board members met online through the Zoom platform to discuss about important issues of ANRD functioning and its agenda.
The agenda of the meeting included the presentation of the progress so far and the way forward; organizing the ANRD Assembly annual meeting; discussing the CSOs requests for membership in ANRD. [Read about the meeting]
Prof. Dr. Tatjana Dishnica has a special connection with rural areas, almost throughout her life. Her academic and professional journey has connected her with the rural areas in different ways. Initially as a student at the High Institute of Agriculture, then as an agronomist in production where she worked for thirteen years in the rural areas of Berat. While she was working, Tatjana began performing experiments for completing her dissertation. During this time, Tatjana met many incredible rural people and among them extraordinary women, which were always cheerful despite the hardship and extremely fatigue in agricultural work.
As director of the Agricultural Research Institute and extension services, Tatjana contributed for twenty years in many directions. Such a long-term commitment allowed her to network, collaborate and exchange with hundreds of researchers and extensionists from rural areas across the country. In recent years, Tatjana returned to the Agricultural University of Tirana as a lecturer. This shift in her professional journey, while she finds herself among students, future agronomists or economists – has renewed Tatjana’s commitment to sustainable rural development. Throughout her dynamic and admirable professional engagement, Tatjana has been involved in numerous collaborations with local and international experts, in training, professional memberships, publications, conferences in Albania and abroad, etc., all in the field of agriculture.
Lately, Tatjana gives a vital contribution also in civil society sector. She runs an organization, a member organization of ANRD, that focuses in support of rural women. As Tatjana currently takes care of the trees and flowers of the garden of her childhood home, her relationship with agriculture and plants will last a lifetime. An active life, nearly 45 years in the service of rural development, that contributes considerable to the country economy, irrespective of the little attention paid to the development of rural areas. According to Tatjana "no one so far has been able to find the real key to unlock and solve the problems of this important sector of the economy that is blessed by the geographical position of our country”.