Europe in Rural Albania

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MAY - JUNE 2020

Albanian Network for Rural Development held on line the regional rural forums of Arbër and Vjosa

The Albanian Network for Rural Development organized virtually two regional rural Forums which were previously suspended due to COVID-19 pandemic. The regional rural forums of Arbër and Vjosa were organized in June through the Zoom platform. The forums brought virtually together many representatives of public institutions and civil society, farmers’ associations and producer groups, young people, active citizens interested in reflecting the needs, priorities and interests of local actors and rural communities in the Arbër and Vjosa regions. [Read here on the discussions]

“Despite the challenges caused by the COVID-19 crisis, ANRD has been looking for new alternative ways of working in order to fulfill our mission and maintain continuity of activity. In addition to the challenges, this period has been ideal to demonstrate the important and proactive role of the Network.

Albanian Network for Rural Development

General Assembly of Albanian Network for Rural Development was held virtually

As per tradition, the General Assembly (GA) of the Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD) was held on May 29, 2020. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 crisis, and in search of new ways to sustain the continuity of activity, this year’s Assembly was held virtually to discuss, exchange, and decide on important issues of the functioning of ANRD and its agenda. The agenda included, among other things, the review and voting of requests of grassroots organizations for membership to ANRD (check out here the 5 new members); presentation and approval of the Annual Report on the activities of ANRD and the Financial Report for the period January-December 2019; presentation and approval of the Action Plan for 2020; elections of the Board members for the period 2020-2024. [Read more]

List of winning projects on behaf of NAGE program

Winning applications in the frame of NAGE Project sub-granting program to support Albanian grassroots CSOs in implementing green entrepreneurship projects. This process involved 18 local CSOs, from which 6 local organizations were awarded small grants for the implementation of their initiatives aimed at starting and piloting green entrepreneurship interventions. [Read more]



In the framework of thematic work with young people in rural areas, ANRD has prepared the document 'The impact of Covid-19 pandemic in rural areas from the perspective of rural youth'. As part of the preparation of this document, ANRD also developed a webinar aimed at listening and consulting with rural youth and young entrepreneurs on the effects of the Covid-19 crisis, practical solutions to overcome challenges and problems. The document was shared with important actors such as policy makers and decision makers, the community, donors of the rural sector, in order to orient their actions to help address the challenges and problems identified. [Read full document]

5th of June 2020, World Environment Day |
Albanian Alps Alliance

With a full program of ecological activities, the Alliance becomes part of the Global Movement with local activities. A group of 20 people, who have been involved in the project "Protection of Duna and Creative Tourism PRODUCT" throughout it, gathered at the Buna River Landscape for:
- 🎬 Filming / Shooting in Velipoja Natural Reserve
- Eco-tourist visit through Landmarks 🔭
- Waste Collection / Cleaning ♻️
- Bicycle movement 🚴♂️ / cycling guide!
- Donation of Open book on the BRPA
[Check out publications]


Upcoming Activities

Be part of different activities at national and regional level dedicated to rural development. In this section, YOU will be introduced to various options. You are welcome to participate, contribute and exhibit your skills and knowledge in these activities.

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Regional Rural Forum of Egnatia
Journey to ARP II
July 2020

The Albanian Rural Development Network will organize the Regional Rural Forum of Egnatia in July 2020. The forum is organized within the Second Albanian Rural Parliament (originally scheduled for April 2-3, 2020) and represents the last of the four previous forums of the Second Albanian Rural Parliament. Egnatia includes the regions of Korca, Elbasan and Berat. [Read more]
Perspective of Leader approach
in the Western Balkans

July 2020

The European Union Instrument of Pre-Accession for Rural Development (IPARD) supports agricultural and rural reforms in the Western Balkans. Implementing local development strategies - the LEADER approach - is one of the instruments supported by IPARD through the financial support of Local Action Groups to implement their local development strategies.
[Follow the webinar!]
National Training
Green Economy and Entrepreneurship
17th of July and 24th of July 2020

On behalf of NAGE project, ANRD opens the Call for Participation in the National Training "Green Economy and Entrepreneurship", in Tirana. The purpose of the training is to increase the capacity of civil society representatives in topics of recognition of the main principles of green economicy and entrepreneurship, its modeling as well as knowledge on the green industry. [Download the call]

Edited by: Gent IMERAJ
© Copyright 2020 ANRD

[Versioni Shqip]

Viola Bogdani is engaged at Dorcas Aid International Shqipëri since 2008 and actually she holds the position of a Programme Manager. Viola finished her college studies on English Language and later she did her MSC on Leadership and Human Resource Management. Dorcas is an international organization operating in Albania since the ‘90-ies and its activity is based in Korca, Elbasan and Tropoja. Among other sectors, the organization is included in rural development, farmers empowerment and mobilization and empowerment of local communities as well. The involvement of Viola in rural development has been related to her engagement in three levels: national, regional and international. Viola has been active and has contributed to the preparation of the Strategic Plan for the rural development of “Prespa e Vogël” area, as well as in the development of other initiatives and activities in the area since 2011. She has voluntarily supported the Albania- North Macedonia cross-border project “SWG-RRD”. In regards to this, Viola has been the president of the stakeholder working group Albania-North Macedonia for the period 2014-2018. Viola has offered special contribution to ANRD since 2017. She has been representing ANRD in the Gender Equality Hub, a non-formalized structure for women empowerment in rural development on Balkan level since 2018. Viola represents one of the five first certified trainers in Albania for the “LEADER” approach. She says that, if our local communities will embrace LEADER approach as one of the rural development components in Albania, they will be vitalized and developed economically as well as bocome more active, increase the capacities of local communities and take ownership of their regions’ development. Viola strongly believes in the power of cooperation of different actors in community and she thinks that real change happens only this way.