Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD) kick-started the mobilization for organizing the 2nd Albanian Rural Parliament on March 4-5, 2021. The Albanian Rural Parliament is an inclusive practice that aims to influence and accelerate the reform processes in the rural sector for the revitalization of rural communities. The 2nd Albanian Rural Parliament - a joint effort by the ANRD consisting of twenty-eight CSOs in partnership with the Agriculture University of Tirana – will bring people together from all rural areas both ways in-person and online, to discuss the challenges and actions which they can take, or press the government and other stakeholders to take, to serve the well-being of rural people. This is a Save the date, to cordially invite you to participate in the 2nd Albanian Rural Parliament on March 4-5, 2021. The program and other detailed information on the event will be timely sent to you as the Parliament approaches. Parliament's program and detailed information can be found [by clicking here].


ANNOUNCEMENT: - Due to the CoVid-19 pandemic, the 2nd Albanian Rural Parliament will be developed in hybrid format, combining physical and virtual participation through the use of Hy-Flex methodology. - Participants will be offered the opportunity to be physically present at the event (on Epoka University premises) or to attend it online, by using "local community cells". What is the Hy-Flex methodology? What are local community cells? Read [the Guideline] here.


At the beginning of February, the Albanian Network for Rural Development started the implementation of the project: Academy "Farm to Fork" - V4 for Sustainable Agriculture in Albania. The Academy’s participants are 12 farmers / small agro-entrepreneurs from different geographical areas of the country. The project aims to promote the use of smart technologies on farms that result in biodiversity protection, sustainable rural development, and tackling the challenges of climate change. [Read about the Academy]



The dynamics of the implementation of the LEADER approach and its way forward in Albania” is a policy document that aims to provide an overview of the implementation of the LEADER approach as an instrument of rural development in Albania. The document supports the necessity of implementing this instrument to address the current problems of rural areas, which have not been effectively addressed. Finally, some recommendations are provided that would help implement the LEADER approach under the IPARD II Program and make it successful. For all interested, [continue the reading]


2021 marked a membership growth for the Albanian Network for Rural Development. COSV is the newest member organization in ANRD that joins efforts with other organizations for a greater impact on sustainable rural development. COSV në Shqipëri, as a local branch of COSV Italy, is a non-profit organization active in Albania since 2018. COSV works directly to promote shared forms of decision-making, technical and financial support for environmental conservation, and responsible tourism initiatives promoted by CSOs and local communities. [Read about COSV]



The Albanian Network for Rural Development is pleased to inform you that in the framework of the EU-funded project "Networking and Advocacy for the Green Economy" (NAGE) and its call for applications in the Contest for journalistic articles on the green economy, concluded the process of evaluating and selecting the winning journalist story. This process involved competitors with different profiles such as professional journalists, environment and green economy activists, students, who presented interesting articles. The award-winning article was "Towards the green economy with ecological hut".


Distant but united in this virtual meeting! The Albanian Network for Rural Development in cooperation with its member organizations has conducted meetings for the development of the Albanian Rural Parliament. The focus of the February 11, 2021 meeting, was the consultation regarding the agenda topics, issues, and recommendations that should be the focal point of this advocacy initiative, discussion of organizational challenges to implementing this massive meeting in pandemic conditions. [Check the post]


Upcoming Activities

Be part of different activities at national and regional level dedicated to rural development. In this section, YOU will be introduced to various options. You are welcome to participate, contribute and exhibit your skills and knowledge in these activities.

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Save the date!
The 2nd Albanian Rural Parliament
4-5 March 2021

Articulated as an idea in 2016, the “Rural Parliament” developed from a project where everyone started believing, into a comprehensive practice to promote and undertake necessary bottom-up reforms aiming to revitalize and renew rural areas. Following the 1st Rural Parliament, ANRD in coordination with the Agricultural University of Tirana and EPOKA University organize the 2nd Albanian Rural Parliament.
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“Farm to Fork” Academy
11 & 15 March 2021

In the frame of the project Academy "Farm to Fork" - V4 for Sustainable Agriculture in Albania, the Albanian Network for Rural Development has completed session 1 of the Academy by selecting 12 participants. In the first phase (February-March 2021), the Academy will provide 2 more training sessions to improve the ideas proposed by young farmers. At the end of March, participants will be asked to do a pitching session to present their idea.
[Read about the project]
February 2021 – October 2023

"Rural-You. Rural Albanian Youth" aims to promote the interest, representation, and contribution of rural youth in the implementation of the agenda of Albania's EU membership in the sector of agriculture and rural development. The project aims to improve youth participation in the social, economic, and political life of remote rural communities in northeastern Albania, Shkodra, Kukes, and Dibra.
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Edited by: Gent IMERAJ
© Copyright 2021 ANRD

[Versioni Shqip]
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Altin Meshini, was born in Këlcyrë on 09.07.1972 and he is the Coordinator of the Pro Përmet Association. Like all his peers, at a young age, forced by economic conditions, he emigrated to Greece doing various jobs to provide for his family. At this time his father, having worked as a dairy farmer before the 1990s, set up a small dairy on the premises of a Second World War Italian bunker. Altin, after working for two years in emigration, returned and together with his father, started processing the milk which he collected from the local cattleman. The versatility and willingness to work, made him acquire the craft of a dairy farmer very quickly by moving forward the dairy farming even after his father passed away. Today, Meshini dairy (Bunker), represents one of the highest quality dairy farming in the Përmet region. His vision and desire to promote the Përmet area, made him engage at the community level, where together with 14 other family entities, established the Association "Pro Përmet" in 2009. Also, during this period, he continued to increase personal skills by pursuing higher studies at the University "Eqerem Çabej" and graduated in Business Administration. In 2016, thanks to his skills and active involvement as a member, he was elected as National Coordinator and Legal Representative of the Association. During this time he has worked diligently to turn the association "Pro Përmet" into one of the main actors not only in the region but throughout the country. "Pro Përmet" is a founding member of the Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD) and contributes to the development and empowerment of local communities. As a result of persistent activities over the years, the ProPërmet association cooperating closely with Cesvi, Italian Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Union Përmet, and the Agency for Regional Agricultural Development, made possible the construction of the first Incubator in the country for the production of typical local products. Built in a touristic area, the Incubator is helping and supporting not only the members of the association but also the local farmers who can produce different types of raki or use the technology for drying fruits, vegetables, and medicinal plants. Altin's engagement in the community is also prominent within the Slow Food Përmet Movement where, together with 67 other members, he has participated in various activities such as fairs inside and outside the country, informative and awareness-raising meetings, training, and round tables, events, such as Summer Day, the opening of the tourist season, etc. promoting slow, healthy food and in the respect of nature; supporting the preservation of typical local products and dishes; influencing in increasing the number of visitors, local and foreign tourists and turning the region of Përmet into one of the main tourist destinations in the south of Albania. Altin Meshini is a successful family entrepreneur, who has made his dairy farm a landmark for local and foreign visitors. There you can find not only its products but also the products of the members of "Pro Përmet", tasting as well typical products in the company of a glass of raki as part of the tradition. He, with its dairy farm, is an open window for the promotion of the territory and the hospitality that characterizes the region of Përmet, giving an important contribution to the sustainable development of this area.