+355 (04) 2400241 info@anrd.al

MADA functions as a specialized agency for the promotion of economic development in rural mountain areas of Albania (districts with over 50% of their area classified as mountainous area).


Agency mission is to improve the quality life of people in rural mountain areas within the framework of the vision of the development of mountain areas, encouraging  the balanced and sustainable development, supporting the development of participation based activities, targeting of priorities and giving concrete support for development the agricultural sector with a competitive advantage in the market.

SUPPORT offered by MADA:

  • Testing, demonstration and dissemination of advanced technologies in the production, processing and marketing of agricultural products;
  • Professional capacity building for producers and processors of agricultural sector;
  • Improvement of agro-food products value chain;
  • Development of mountain rural tourism;
  • Support to rural community organization and engagement in local development processes;
  • Support to development of other rural economic activities;
  • Support to strengthening of capacity of local government;
  • Building and strengthening mountain area development forum;
  • Improvement of small scale infrastructure of mountainous rural areas;
  • Support to private-private and private-public partnerships for growing investments in Mountain areas;
  • Dissemination of best practices and models and management of animal health;