+355 (04) 2400241 info@anrd.al

In the frame of ALTER project was organized the national training “Advocacy, Lobbying and policy research and analysis of local, national and EU policies and instruments of rural development” held in Tirana, on 01 – 03 December 2016.

The training was organized in two sessions according to the following modules:

Module 1: “Policy research and analysis of local, national and EU policies and instruments of rural development”;                                                                                                                                                           Module 2: “Advocacy and Lobbying for local, national and European policies of rural development”.

Each session lasted one and a half days, and included presentations, group works and discussions.

The training was attended by about 20 participants, representing different backgrounds of rural development sector. This mix audience included: Regional Development Agencies, youth organizations, environmental organizations, consortium’s, etc.

The overall objective of the national training was to improve the role of CSOs and CSOs networks to be capable of being equal, valuable and resourceful partners to national and regional authorities and to the EU through increasing their knowledge related to advocacy and lobbying, research and analysis, with a focus on sustainable rural development.

The National Training was organized following the “Regional Training for national networks about advocacy, lobbying and policy research and analysis”, where 2 representatives from each ALTER project partner were trained on this topic, who later served as trainers of the national trainings.