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Regional Workshop “Albanian Network for Rural Development: Mainstreaming Nonpublic Actors on the National Rural Agenda”

Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD) after launching the national debate on rural development on the National Conference, March 11, took another initiative to enable synergies among public and non public actors at local and regional level that have the potential to contribute on the advancement of the national agenda for rural development.

Throughout May, ANRD organized three regional workshops “Mainstreaming Nonpublic Actors on the National Rural Agenda”. Participants of these tables represented important actors from the three sectors, including representatives of public institutions on local and regional level (Qark councils, municipalities, administrators of administrative units, agricultural regional directory etc); representatives of civil society (associations of women, youths, environmental, those promoting local democracy, participatory development, rural development, tourism etc), representatives of private sector (agro – business, banks), media representatives, formal and informal community groups, and active interested professionals and individuals.

The Regional Workshops had their focus on sharing with actors that operate on local and regional level the national agenda on rural development, with special emphasis on participatory rural development as one of the priority fields of Inter Sectoral Agricultural and Rural Development Strategy 2014 – 2020.

The Regional Workshops had a full coverage of the country, as listed below:

  • Regional Workshop of Fier (representative actors from Fier, Berat, Vlore and Gjirokastra Qarks)
  • Regional Workshop of Pogradec (representative actors from Elbasan and Korçe Qarks)
  • Regional Workshop of Shkodra (representative actors from Shkodra, Lezha, Kukes and Dibra Qarks)

Discussions and presentations included series aspects on rural development. They focused on the presentation and getting to know participants with the establishment perspective of ANRD, the bottom up perspective, rural development policies, strategies, programs and approaches, with a special focus on one of the Inter Sectoral Agricultural and Rural Development Strategy 2014 – 2020 measures, related to the design and implementation of local strategies on rural development – LEADER approach.

Regional Workshops encouraged the involvement and interaction of different actors for what is known as the empowerment of rural communities through the presentation of national agenda for rural development, civil society’s role, efforts and role of public institutions for advancement of this agenda, incentives offered by the private sector and the ANRD role as actor of change on rural development.

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