+355 (04) 2400241 info@anrd.al

Anrd Membership

Albanian Network for Rural Development – Anrd

Anrd Mmembership

Albanian Network for Rural Development – Anrd

How to become a member?

According to the Statute, ANRD members can be local and national organizations whose aims and objectives are similar to the Network. Applications can be submitted to the ANRD address and the final decision is made by the members of the General Assembly.

All organizations who are interested to join the Albanian Network for Rural Development, should fulfil the following criteria:

  • Submission of a formal request for admission to the Network by sending an e – mail to the ANRD Board at info@anrd.al;
  • Letter of interest describing: Why you intend to be part of the Network; Your contribution to the Network; Your expectations from the Network.
    • At least one Letter of Reference from one of the founding organizations of the Network (please refer to our website anrd.al to see the ANRD founding members) (On the absence of knowing any of the founding organizations of the Network, you can bring a Letter of Reference from another NGO, Donor or public authority you have been working with);
  • Be a registered and active organization (Extract issued by the Court, the Foundation Act, Statute, VAT number);
  • Information on the last 3 years implemented projects, including:
    1. Description of the project
    2. Geographical scope of the project
    3. Projects’ costs
    4. Projects’ partners

 The mission of the organization should aim at improving the quality of life for rural residents.

Further questions on the application can be sent to info@anrd.al