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Within the project Academy “Farm to Fork” – V4 for Sustainable Agriculture in Albania, the Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD) organized on Thursday, dt. 15.04.2021, the activity entitled “Pitching Session: The New Green Deal”. The activity took place in the premises of ANRD putting into operation the complete technological infrastructure and enabling digital interconnection.

The event took place in Hybrid format, combining the physical participation of young farmers + the jury, with the virtual participation of experts representing the project partner organizations. The presentation session was attended by 11 Academy participants, who presented their business ideas to the jury appointed to evaluate applications. Jury was composed of: Mr. Denis Lushi, President of the Young Entrepreneurs Club; Ms. Lorena Totoni, Project Manager “Networking and Advocacy for Green Economy” in Albania; Mr. Benito Prendi, Project Manager “Rural You- Rural Albanian Youth”.

The evaluation of innovative ideas was carried out based on the application format, presentations in the pitching session and evaluations of international partners. Based on this evaluation process we are happy to announce the three ideas selected to be piloted within the Academy:

  • FARM 3B, by Samela Imeraj
  • HYDROPONIC SYSTEM, by Eriselda Ferro
  • FARM SALI (beekeeping), by Flora Sali

The Academy will support in the amount of 1,000 EUR each of the ideas and will provide technical support through mentoring until their realization.

Congratulations to the three creators of innovative ideas in their piloting. At the end of the investments in the piloting of ideas, the Academy will move to the third phase: DEMONSTRATIONWorkshops on products derived from pilot projects & academy evaluation.

Follow us constantly, to be part of the activities that the Academy carries out!

“Farm to Fork Academy: V4 for Sustainable Agriculture in Albania” is a 6-month project, funded by the Visegrad funds, which starts its implementation in 1st of February 2021. The project is being implemented by 5 NGOs, with 3 national rural networks (Albanian Network for Rural DevelopmentRural Parliament in SlovakiaHungarian National Rural Network; ) and 2 very experiences associations (Local Action Group „Vistula – Terra Culmensis”; Czech-Moravian Association of Agricultural Entrepreneurs).

The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.

Moments from the presentations: