+355 (04) 2400241 info@anrd.al

ARP logoThe first Albanian Rural Parliament (ARP) represents an advocacy, capacity building and networking platform dedicated to rural development. The Parliament will take place from 28th to 30th September 2017, at the premises of the Agricultural University of Tirana (AUT), Institut, Tirana.
The event – a joint effort by the Albanian Network of Rural Development consisting of twenty-two local CSOs in partnership with the Agriculture University of Tirana – welcomes nearly 300 participants. We aim to bring together a wide range of rural stakeholders with the objective to accelerate the agenda of rural development in Albania through a bottom-up, highly inclusive and national wide approach.
Participants of the ARP are invited from the Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD), and will be representatives from the 61 municipalities of the country: local public authorities, private sector, grass-root civil society organizations, ANRD member organizations, research institutions, rural entrepreneurs, and other formal and informal groups from local communities throughout the country, etc.

We are pleased to invite you to the 1st Albanian Rural Parliament, 28-30 September 2017, at the premises of the Agricultural University of Tirana (AUT):





With the support of:

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