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With the support of GIZ, the German Cooperation and the Rural Regional Development Standing Working Group –  SWG RRD based in Skopje, North Macedonia, the cycle of trainings on LEADER Approach in the Western Balkans that started in Skopje last November was successfully completed in Tirana. Among 35 trained participants, five out of them are representatives of the Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD) certified as Trainers on LEADER. The training consisted of enhanced knowledge of the conceptual framework of the LEADER approach, the structure of LAG (Local Action Group) strategies, the role of national rural development networks, projects in the LEADER approach and their cycle, the sustainability of the LEADER approach, etc.

The training course was extended to eight days and was organized in two cycles.

The first cycle took place from 18-21 November 2019 in Skopje, North Macedonia, including a dynamic and participatory training program.

The participants were trained in the following specific topics:

  1. EU Financing and Programming System
  2. Mobilizing stakeholders in the LEADER-CLLD approach
  3. LEADER / LAG Management
  4. The structure and content of the LEADER Approach
  5. The structure and content of a local development strategy
  6. The role of national networks for LEADER in Western Balkan countries

The second cycle, from 2-5 December 2019 in Tirana, covered the following topics:

  1. Report on “The First International Conference on the Practical and Theoretical implications of the LEADER / CLLD Approach in Southeast European Countries”
  2. Development of projects according to the LEADER approach and their cycle: development-selection-application-implementation-monitoring and evaluation
  3. LEADER and the concept of sustainability
  4. Sustainable development goals related to rural development
  5. Sustainable regional and rural development
  6. Good governance at local level
  7. IPARD and the new LEADER phase

The 35 participants from seven Balkan countries already trained and certified have created the first core of professionals from the National Rural Networks of the Western Balkans that will transmit and clarify at the  grass root level the principles of CLLD (Community-led Local Development) and the LEADER approach to enhance their capacity and access to EU funding.

They will serve as trainers and coaches for grassroot rural actors during the process of maintaining vibrant rural communities, boosting sustainable rural development and attracting economic and social growth.  The training will be followed by other capacity building activities to concretize and supplement the theoretical knowledge obtained from the trainers during the two TOT trainings. The five trained experts from Albania make part of the Albanian Network for Rural Development and are actually working for different member organizations of ANRD.

Photos from the activity: