15 October 2019, from 10:30 to 15:00
Venue: Tirana Youth Center (at the beginning of Kavaja Street, between the Raiffeisen Bank and the Chamber of Commerce)
An opportunity to recognize the important role and contribution of rural women in agriculture and rural development and revitalize joint efforts to improve the situation through pro-rural women policies
On the occasion of the International Day of Rural Women, the Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD) with the support of three member organizations – Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM), AGROPUKA and AGRINET– organizes to raise awareness on the International Day of Rural Women and at the same time to draw public attention to sustainable support in addressing the challenges facing rural women in our country.
This event marks the first edition of and it aims to become an annual tradition to revitalize joint efforts to improve the situation of rural women through pro-women rural policies.
The first edition of will be organized in Tirana and in the coming years will be hosted by the municipality that is rated as “Pro-Rural Women Municipality” for the respective year. The event will take the form of an interactive forum of exchange, exposure and inspiration on the contribution and role of women in agriculture and rural development. It will be an opportunity to discuss the current situation of the needs and challenges facing women and girls in rural areas, to share inspiring models of successful rural women and to identify concrete initiatives that empower rural women; as well as to expose local products produced by collective women’s groups as a way to celebrate the diversity of local products, tireless hands and the energy of rural women.
The first edition of will aim to bring together all actors in the field of rural development and women empowerment to raise awareness of the need for joint efforts in creating sustainable models that empower women in rural development and community life. To this end, the 1st Edition will launch the Second Albanian Rural Parliament Platform, which intends to be held in the spring of 2020 and, the innovation such a nation-wide, inclusive platform brings to the empowerment of rural women.