Networking and Advocacy for Green Economy – NAGE project, is a three-year project, funded by the European Union, under the call CIVIL SOCIETY FACILITY AND MEDIA PROGRAMME 2016-2017 on Consolidating Regional Thematic Networks of Civil Society Organizations. NAGE is implemented by a consortium of rural networks in Western Balkan countries acting jointly in the interest of their constituents through the Balkan Rural Development Network (BRDN). The partners have tailored an action that reflects the BRDN development goals, and therefore strengthens the positioning of the network in the region, while encouraging grassroots involvement in public decision-making and reform processes, and networking and advocacy to introduce the concept of green economy, by offering evidence-based policy solutions. Rural Development Network of Republic of Macedonia (RDN of RM) is leading the implementation of the NAGE project in partnership with the following networks:
- Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD)
- Rural development Network in Bosnia and Herzegovina (MRRBiH)
- Network of organizations for Rural Development of Kosovo (NORDK)
- Rural Development Network of Serbia (MRRS)
- Rural Development Network of Montenegro ( MRRCG)
- Croatian Rural Development Network (HMRR)
The overall goal of NAGE is to provide support to enhance the policy and decision-making impact of BRDN and its constituents, through involvement in the agricultural and rural program and policy reform processes for introduction of the green economy concept As such, NAGE opens a new area of intervention in front of the rural communities of the Balkans and the policy and decision-making representatives of the non-EU countries participating in the project. The action will put on the national agendas the issue of environmental protection and green entrepreneurship as integrative part of the agricultural and rural development programs. NAGE will accomplish its goal through strengthening of the grassroots’ CSOs capacities in generic work, advocacy and networking, to be able to sustain their role of agricultural and rural reform advocates, in transparent and accountable way introducing the concept of green economy as unique cross-cutting entrepreneurial model for rural diversification and sustainability; BRDN and its constituents will use evidence-based policy development and rights-based advocacy to foster the national EU CAP approximation processes and promote green economy strengthening BRDN’s networking and advocacy capacities, increasing recognition, broadening impact and strengthening participation in policy decision-making processes. For further information, please contact ANRD at or by tel. 04 24 00 241.
Sub-granting program to support Albanian grassroots CSOs in implementing green entrepreneurship projects
The EU-funded project “Networking and Advocacy for Green Economy” (NAGE), is seeking proposals from CSOs in the frame of its Sub-granting program to support Albanian grassroots CSOs in implementing green entrepreneurship projects.
NAGE – Networking and Advocacy for Green Economy, a project implemented by Rural Development Networks from Albania, Republic of North Macedonia, Croatia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Montenegro – members of the Balkan Rural Development (BRDN) provides support in enhancing the policy and decision-making impact of Balkan Rural Development Network (BRDN) and its constituents, through involvement in the agricultural and rural program and policy reform processes for introduction of the green economy concept.
NAGE Sub-granting program through awarding of small grants for the implementation of green entrepreneurship initiatives of civil society organisations from the target countries will enable implementation of projects important for local communities, strengthening the capacity of smaller civil society organizations. The Call for proposals is in the total amount of 126.000 EUR intended to support 36 grants in the 6 targeted countries.
Through this Call for proposals Albanian Network for Rural Development, as implementing partner of project, intends to award 6 organisations from Albania with grants for the implementation of their initiatives directed towards initiating and piloting green entrepreneurship. The Call for proposals is in the total amount of 21,000 EUR and each grant ranges between 3000 and 3500 EURO. The duration of the project proposal under this Call for proposals is between 3 and 6 months.
Since the grants are small, the CSOs are strongly encouraged to apply with financial offers that approximate the maximum financial limit (3500 EURO). Also, due to the situation of the Natural Disaster, the balance sheet and the profit and loss account of the organisation for 2019, may be presented after 31st of July 2020.
The deadline for submission of project proposals is 1st May 2020 by 23:59 p.m.
The complete Call for applicants and all relevant documents are available for download below (Albanian and English):
- Guidelines for Grant Applicants
- Annex A Grant application form
- Аnnex B- BUDGET
- Annex C – Legal Entity Sheet
- Annex D Financial identification form
- Annex E_NAGE_draft contract
- Annex I-Model interim and final narrative report
- Annex II Template of Financial Reports
- Annex III – Standard template for transfer of ownership of assets
Question: Can we apply for a sub grant on Green Entrepreneurship in the frame of the NAGE project – Networking and Advocacy for the Green Economy, when we have an activity of about 3 years but we are registered in September 2019?
Answer: According to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants, point 4.1 “General rules of call for proposals”, sub-paragraph 4.1.1 “Who can apply”, eligible organizations must be registered at least 12 months before the project submission deadline. Since the submission deadline is on May 1st, 2020 and you are legally registered in September 2019, it is impossible to apply for this call regardless of the activity you had before that date.
Question: The mission of our association is: “Encouraging the community to express in the media the acute problems of the Albanian society such as: gender equality, environment, youth problems, corruption”. Can we apply for a sub grant in the frame of NAGE project as an association?
Answer: Yes, you have the opportunity to apply as an association, your mission is also related to reporting on environmental issues and this issue is included in the focus of the sub grants.
Question: Due to the difficulty encountered in collecting supporting documents, in the context of the pandemic situation, is it possible to consider postponing the application deadline?
Answer: Your suggestion was forwarded to the managing authority of the Funding Program in Brussels. No postponement has been announced at this time but please continue to follow us for further notifications.
As part of the EU-funded project “Networking and Advocacy for the Green Economy” (NAGE) and its sub-granting program, small grants for 6 local organizations were awarded to implement their initiatives aimed at initiating and piloting green entrepreneurship.
The projects that are being implemented deal with different topics such as green and circular economy, the promotion of sustainable agricultural and rural development, volunteering, the empowerment of rural women and youth, networking and promotion of natural local resources. To keep you informed about their progress we will open the section “Let’s get to know NAGE sub-granting activities”.
From today, to keep you informed about their progress we will open the section “Let’s get to know NAGE sub-granting activities”.
In this context, we have the pleasure to present the activity of the project “Boosting and promotion of the circulating economy in Puka” realized by the Institute of Environmental Policy – an informative meeting with entrepreneurs of Puka on the possibilities of greening their activities.