+355 (04) 2400241 info@anrd.al

The National Conference “Albanian Network for Rural Development: Mainstreaming Non-public Actors into National Rural Agenda” was organized on March 11, 2016 by Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD) with the support of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES). The involvement of various stakeholders such as the EU Delegation; Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Water Management; Department of Development Programming Financing and Foreign Aid at the Council of Ministers; Minister of State on Local Issues; international organizations and other local stakeholders was essential  for the success of the Conference. We would like to thank you all for your contribution!foto konferenca ANRD

The conclusions of the Conference are important to guide our cooperation and joint efforts toward advancing the national agenda on rural development. ANRD is committed to dedicate continuous efforts contributing to the implementation of the conclusions. Click here to download the conclusions.