Coordinamento delle Organizzazioni del Servizio Volontario  (COSV) was established in Italy in 1968 and operates in Albania since 2018.

COSV is actively involved in carrying out development projects and providing humanitarian aid in Europe, the Western Balkans, Sub-Saharan Africa, and the Middle East. The organization focuses on promoting peace, respecting human rights, and protecting the environment through a comprehensive development approach, close collaboration with local communities, and the principles of partnership and networking.

Mission-encouraging a “culture of cooperation,” emphasizing solidarity among people and distancing itself from the concept of charity, which often creates an unbalanced giver-recipient relationship.

COSV in Albania, as a local branch of COSV Italy, is a proactive non-profit organization involved in promoting inclusive and effective governance models in protected areas. They achieve this by enhancing the engagement and empowerment of civil society organizations, communities, and other stakeholders involved in managing the common environmental heritage. COSV in Albania also works towards revitalizing remote and hard-to-access areas. They promote good community practices such as sharing waste resources and implementing door-to-door collection among restaurants in one of the most touristic areas of the country.

Adress: Rruga e Ullinjve, Residenca Kodra e Diellit 1, Selite, Tirana, Shqiperi, Tirana, Albania