+355 (04) 2400241 info@anrd.al

The “Integrimi”association is established as a non-profit organization. It is registered in the Registry of Non-Profit Organizations of the Tirana District Court on 29.03.2004 (decision nr.972). The head office is located in the city of BajramCurri (Tropoja district).

The purpose of the association is:

  • To help the community of Tropoja have a better social-economic, spiritual, and cultural conditions aiming in order to improve the livelihood and bring it closer to the level of neighboring countries through different development and humanitarian projects.
  • To help for reduction of poverty through implementation of humanitarian, training, education, and awareness programs and implementation of current legislation.
  • To preserve and enrich cultural and artistic values of Tropoja through different expeditions, meetings, seminars, cultural and sportive activities, etc. To identify and promote these values in Albania and abroad.
  • Organization of activities, scientific meetings, exhibitions, cross-border exchanges with Kosovo, Montenegro, and Macedonia focusing on business, culture, and sports in the framework of the cooperation in the Balkans and Europe.
  • Protection and development of the natural, historical, cultural, and traditional environment in Tropoja district.
  • Protection of the marginalized groups (people with disabilities and their families, other families in need, women, youth, elderly, etc.).
  • Establishing the touristic infrastructure that would enable the assessment and exploitation of the natural beauty of Tropojaaiming at including the region in the global touristic agenda.

Since 2004, the “Integrimi” association has implemented projects aiming at improving the social-economic conditions of marginalized groups in Tropoja district. The main donor has been Dorcas Aid International Albania. We have also implemented projects with other donors such as Kom over en help, Anttarc and others. In this context, the association has implemented humanitarian project including the distribution of food, clothing, and other household items to families in need, people with disabilities, etc. Also, the association has implementing agriculture , assisting farmers with technical assistance, assets for the development of agricultural holdings in the construction of solar greenhouses, construction of poultry houses, projects supporting farmers with technical assistance, material assistance (cattle, seeds, etc.), training on cultivation and breeding, etc.