The Rural Youth Hub (RYH) is a youth activism platform that supports young people, especially those in rural areas, to exercise their voice to influence agricultural and rural policy-making, to make these processes oriented toward, and closely related to the concerns, interests and priorities of young people. The initiative of RYH was encouraged and supported by the Albanian Rural Development Network to enable young people to be involved in the sustainable development of the country, and in particular in the transformation of their rural communities. The hub involves rural young people and farmers, students and entrepreneurs, enthusiasts and local development agents who are enthusiast and motivated to play an active role and contribute to rural, development processes and decision-making. The hub enables rural youth to exercise their ‘voice’ and influence rural decision-making, to make such processes youth oriented and closely linked with the current needs and interests of rural youth.
Mission: To serve rural communities in Albania by empowering young people offering them opportunities to be active citizens and to generate income and sustainable livelihoods even in the most remote and impoverished rural area, as well as providing opportunities for fostering public goods and interests.
Rural Youth Hub is a long-term group that expresses the voice of young people in rural Albania and promotes self-activation and action by rural youth, in partnership with civil society and local government. The active contribution of rural youth through RYH will enable the integration of youth perspective on rural reality (challenges, needs and aspirations) in rural and agricultural development programs, strategies and policies. Rural Youth Hub is committed to actively participate and contribute to the processes of sustainable rural development. RYH aims to align these processes with the concerns, interests, and priorities of young people in rural areas.
Address: Qemal Stafa, New Bazaar, building n74, floor 2. Tirana
Tel: +355 (04) 2400241
Web:, ruralyouthhub.albania @instagram