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The fourth regional Training of Trainers (ToT) was organized from 25-27 September in Vlora, Albania gathering around 11 representatives from partner organization of the regional project from the 6 Western Balkan (WB) countries.

This is the fourth and the last group of regional CSOs that are getting the Training of Trainers certification. The agenda of the ToT was a combination of knowledge from academia, examples from real life, video presentations and discussions, in this way each participant had the possibility to have an integrated raised capacities in four topics which are essential for the Farm to Fork Strategy implementation.
Some of the participants reflections for the ToT:

The modules are well explained, they have helpful and useful information

“We had the opportunity to learn new things and knowledge that we will implement in our countries”
I have noted the information that is directly connected with my daily work

 At the end of the regional ToT, certificates were distributed to the participant for completing the three days Training of Trainers.  Up to 60 Trainers of Trainers have been established on Sustainable Farming and Rural Development.

Photos can be found here. 

The fourth regional ToT on Sustainable Farming and Rural development is implemented in the frame of the regional project “Farm to Fork Academy for Green Western Balkans – Our shared European future” funded by EU and implemented by the consortium of the rural development networks in the 6 Western Balkan Countries and Croatia as well as by the regional cooperation platform the Balkan Network for Rural Development (BRDN).