The Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD), in a collaborative spirit with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and other key public and non-public actors in the agricultural and rural sector, organized the National Conference “Strengthening Farmers’ Position in Value Chains.” This conference gathered around 70 participants, including representatives from public institutions, civil society organizations, farmers, academics, and field experts, creating an open platform for discussion and exchange of ideas on the challenges and opportunities for Albanian farmers.
The conference was a continuation of the participatory consultation process conducted throughout 2024, which involved more than 100 farmers and other agricultural sector stakeholders in two value chains: medicinal and aromatic plants (MAP) and dairy. These consultations aimed to convey the voice of small farmers, rural associations, and other stakeholders in identifying the challenges they face and advocating for strengthening farmers’ position in value chains.
The conference aimed, first, to present and validate the detailed findings of the National Report: ‘Participatory Consultation and Dialogue towards Strengthening Farmers’ Position in Value Chains,’ and second, to bring key stakeholders together and stimulate discussions among policymakers, public and private actors, farmers, and their associations on alternatives that enhance the position of small farmers within these sectors.
In her opening remarks, Evelina Azizaj, ANRD’s National Coordinator, emphasized:
“Farmers are the foundation of agriculture and rural development. However, they continue to face significant challenges and often do not fully benefit from their work. This consultation aimed to unify their perspectives on challenges, priorities, and policy recommendations.”
Meanwhile, Sotiraq Hroni, Chair of ANRD’s Board, highlighted the importance of open dialogue with policymakers:
“As demonstrated by the broad participation in this conference, ANRD is the best forum to unite all actors engaged in agriculture and rural development. This reflects the great trust in ANRD and the need of rural communities for support and hope. Policymakers must work to create stronger mechanisms for networking and cooperation, fostering cooperation and empowering farmers in value chains.”
Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr. Arian Jaupllari, reiterated the government’s commitment to closely collaborate with farmers and rural sector actors to empower farmers and improve value chains:
“The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development remains ready to support initiatives like this, which generate ideas and solutions to strengthen the agricultural sector and rural development. Today, we are brought together by ANRD and our shared commitment to increasing value and food security for consumers, especially during these challenging times. In the framework of EU integration, it is crucial that legislation is clear and understandable for farmers and all stakeholders implementing it. For this reason, we will initiate a broad consultation process with stakeholders to ensure that understanding and implementation of policies evolve in parallel. Organizations and associations like ANRD play a vital role in this process, helping us get closer to rural communities.”
Meanwhile, Laszlo Arendas, Program Manager for Agriculture and Rural Development at the EU Delegation in Albania, focused on the importance of aligning agricultural policies with the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP):
“For Albania and Albanian farmers, these are crucial times. You must learn and study what opportunities exist within the CAP regulatory framework, follow the priorities during accession negotiations, and maximize the benefits of this policy.”
During the conference, Prof. Anila Boshnjaku, national expert, presented a detailed analysis of the challenges and opportunities for farmers in the MAP and dairy sectors. Some key findings include:
- Labor shortages. The depopulation of rural areas and youth migration have created significant difficulties in securing labor. As a result, most farms rely mainly on family labor.
- High input costs. Farmers face high prices for livestock feed, land rent, machinery, seeds, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides. Financial support from national schemes is limited, while access to credit remains challenging.
- Lack of processing infrastructure and market access. Farmers are often forced to sell their products through intermediaries, receiving prices much lower than market value. This puts them in a vulnerable position with limited negotiating power.
- Limited storage and preservation capacities. The lack of proper equipment (such as cooling tanks for milk or appropriate warehouses for MAPs) leads to significant product losses and reduced quality.
- Low levels of cooperation and cooperatives. The weak organization of farmers in cooperatives makes them less competitive in price negotiations and securing better market conditions.
- Limited access to modern technology. Farmers still use traditional production and processing methods due to the high costs of equipment and bureaucratic difficulties in accessing subsidies.
Participants emphasized the need for increased budgetary support from national schemes, considering that investments in the agricultural and rural sectors are always higher than the generated profits. For this reason, state subsidies will serve as a tool to strengthen farmers’ market presence and sustainability.
Another key recommendation was the need for laboratories to conduct the necessary analyses for access to European markets. Participants highlighted the difficulties and high costs farmers face in conducting analyses in foreign laboratories.
Many discussed challenges could be addressed through enhanced cooperation among farmers. Socialization was identified as one of the most important instruments for strengthening farmers’ position in value chains.
At the end of the conference, participants emphasized the importance of taking concrete steps to support farmers and strengthen value chains.