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On September 23, 2021 the Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD) organized the National Gathering of Local Action Groups (LAGs) and potential LAGs. The LEADER approach in Albania: How can we turn IPARD III support into the key instrument for the successful nationwide implementation of the Leader approach?. (please see attached the Agenda)

The event took place at Hotel Mondial, Tirana, from 10:30 – 13:00. The national event was organized in close cooperation with the IPARD Managing Authority in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development with the intention of giving a new impetus to the implementation of the Leader approach after long awaiting for a national undertaking toward Leader approach implementation in the rural communities across Albania. The gathering brought together 28 participants took place in the event, representatives of  active LAGs and potential LAGs, civil society organizations, national and local authorities and donor community that support integrated rural development, including FAO, UN Women, GIZ etc.  (please see attached the list of participants).

The event was opened by the ANRD National Coordinator, who after welcoming remarks, presented a brief overview on the dynamics of the implementation of the Leader approach in Albania: initiatives, territories, and partnership structures.  The next panel featured seven concrete cases of Leader-like initiatives and Leader LAGs. Through their presentations leaders of LAG-s and potential Leader LAG initiatives brought to the table a valuable contribution to the discussion by sharing their experience and insights into the challenges on the ground concerning Leader approach implementation.

The event carried on with the presentation of the Head of Managing Authority of IPARD Program at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Grigor Gjeci, who discussed the opportunities that IPARD III offer for the Leader Approach. He also discussed the IPARD II Technical Assistance measure and the responsible entities and their respective role concerning Leader measure implementation. The presentation was informative for LAGs’ representatives, in particular what to expect from IPARD II and Technical Assistance measures.

The information on IPARD III and TA measure encouraged an interactive discussion with participants in the gathering.

You can find the meeting’s agenda here.