+355 (04) 2400241 info@anrd.al

‘Rural-You. Rural Albanian Youth’ project aims to promote the interest, representation, and contribution of rural youth in the implementation of the agenda of Albania’s EU membership in the sector of agriculture and rural development in the long run. More specifically, in the medium term, the project aims to improve the participation of young people in the social, economic, and political life of remote rural communities in north-eastern Albania, respectively in the regions of Shkodra, Kukes, and Dibra.

The project is an invitation to look at the rural world from the perspective of young people: enables rural youth to be aware of the opportunities available at the sector level, actively participate in the sustainable growth of their territories, exercise their voice in the public arena.


‘Rural-You. Rural Albanian Youth’ project aims to cultivate and boost the internal capacities of local CSOs and young activists to monitor, analyze, and undertake concrete actions through an integral approach, providing the target groups not only with capacity development but also with advocating experience to contribute in sector development through involvement in rural policies.


The intervention strategy is based on three main groups of activities that are reflected in the main products of the project:

  • Awareness of the role of youth in agricultural and rural reform in Albania.
  • Youth activism in the sustainable development of rural areas.
  • Networking through the consolidation of the ANRD Rural Youth Hub as a pilot experience to engage young people living in rural remote areas in networking and policy dialogue actions.


The project has started implementation in February 2021 and will be completed in October 2023.

‘Rural-You. Rural Albanian Youth’ project is funded by the European Union and implemented by a consortium of the six organization under the leadership of Volontari Nel Mondo RTM. The project’s partner organisations are: Partnership for Development Foundation – PFD, Adad malore,, Agropuka, Associazione Giovani Imprenditori Agricoli (AGIA) of Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori (CIA), Albanian Network for Rural Development.


More detailed information about the project can be found at the link: https://www.rtm.ong/en/portfolio/rural-you-rural-albanian-youth/