+355 (04) 2400241 [email protected]


  1. Procedure: Simplified procedure
  2. Contract title: “Framework agreement for the provision of provision of visibility materials for the Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD)”
  3. Financed from: European Commission
  4. Contracting Authority: Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD).
  5. Location: Tirana, Albania
  6. Eligibility: Participation in tendering is open on equal terms to duly registered local legal entities exercising this kind of activity


Subject: Invitation to tender for the provision of branded visibility materials for the Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD) in the frame of the project “Farm to Fork Academy for Green Western Balkans – Our shared European future” financially supported from the European Commission.

This is an invitation to tender for the above-mentioned framework contract.

ANRD is seeking a locally qualified service provider to conclude a service contract for branded visibility materials services. The successful tenderer shall provide full, prompt, and accurate visibility services following the principle of cost effectiveness. A detailed description in regard is provided in the Terms of Reference

The Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD) is a national CSO network in the domain of rural development, registered as a membership organization. Since its establishment by 14 founding organizations, ANRD membership has sustainably expanded territorially and thematically. As of April 2023, there are 35 full-fledged member organizations that are active and visible in various rural development themes and different geographical areas of the country.

Tenders must be submitted in English exclusively to the contracting authority Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD) within the given deadline June 15th, 2023, at 17.00: and be sent to the following email address: [email protected] or in hard copies in a closed and sealed envelope, with subject “Tender for the provision of car rental for the Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD)” in the address Rr. Qemal Stafa, Pazari i ri, pallati n74, kati 2. Tiranë.

All tenders submitted after the above given deadline shall be rejected.

By submitting a tender, the tenderer accepts to receive notification of the outcome of the procedure by electronic means.


Provisional commencement of the framework contract: June 23, 2023

Tender submission address: Rrjeti Shqiptar për Zhvillimin Rural, Rr. Qemal Stafa, Pazari i ri, pallati n74, kati 2. Tiranë, Shqipëri – www.anrd.al or [email protected]

Deadline for the tender submission: June 15, 2023, 17:00.

Choice of selected tenderer / Award Criteria: Best price-quality ratio.

Duration of the framework contract: One year with the possibility of extension


All the tenderers must fulfill the following criteria:

  1. Be a duly registered company exercising this kind of activity with an experience of minimum of 5 years of experience in designing and production of visibility materials.
  2. Demonstrated technical capacities for the design of production of printed visibility materials. To demonstrate technical capacities, the applicant should provide electronic (photo) samples of previously produced visibility materials when applying.


The tender dossier must include the following documentation:

  1. Portfolio (Company profile) in English language, of the service provider, demonstrating the minimum requested previous work in the relevant field. The portfolio needs to include the electronic (photo) samples of previously produced visibility materials.
  2. List of clients to which the applicant has provided similar services.
  3. Certificate of registration/incorporation (NIPT).
  4. The extract on the subject’s history issued by the National Registration Center (Ekstrakti historik ne QKB)
  5. Balance sheet for the last 3 (three) financial years:
  6. Code of Conduct ANNEX 3, signed and stamped.
  7. Financial Offer (ANEKSI 2) signed and stamped.



  1. Duration of the framework contract: One year with the possibility of extension.
  2. Failure of the selected tenderer to comply with this requirement and/or availability may constitute grounds for annulling the award decision. In this event, the contracting authority may decide to award the contract to the second-best tenderer or cancel the tender procedure.
  3. Payments under the call off orders will be executed within 30 days upon receipt and confirmation of the invoice.


Instructions to tender

Terms of reference.

Annex 1. Tender Instruction

Annex 2. Financial offer Form

Annex 3. Code of Conduct and statement Form (to be Signed and Stamped)


Thank you for your offer!