Manual on establishing Local Action Groups (LAGs)

Manual on establishing Local Action Groups (LAGs)

This manual aims to offer practical steps on how to build a Local Action Group (LAG) and also provides concrete examples taken from the European experience showing the building process of LAGs in specific localities. The publication was prepared in the framework of...
Manual on farmers’ organizations network 

Manual on farmers’ organizations network 

Farmers’ membership in organizations, such as associations or other forms, happens for a various set of reasons; but all of them aim what can be simply defined as activism to increase members’ organization success. Based on the situation and the difficulties of...
European Rural Manifesto

European Rural Manifesto

Approved at the closing section of the 2nd European Rural Parliament. Held on November 4-6, 2015, Schärding, Austria, attended by 240 delegates from 40 European countries. 1.We, representatives of many people and organisations rooted in rural Europe, have adopted this...