+355 (04) 2400241 info@anrd.al

Women in rural areas are important actors in the agri-food sector and the main contributors to the agricultural and rural sector. However, the sector is not helping rural women to improve their social economic status due to the difficulties and challenges they experience that undermine productivity and entrepreneurial potential and generate unequal benefits for men and women in value chains in the agri-food sector.

For the fourth year in a row, on the occasion of the International Day of Rural Women, the 2022 ‘Pro Rural Women’ Edition brought together nearly 150 rural women and girls to discuss concerns, priorities as well as concrete actions that should be encouraged and undertaken by institutions for the well-being of women and girls in rural areas.

We are sharing with you the DECLARATION OF RURAL WOMEN AND GIRLS – the main output of the 2022 edition. The Declaration is an Awakening Call to Elimination of Gender Inequality in the Agri-Food Sector. We at ANRD care about the wellbeing of women and girls in rural areas, so we will strive to sustain our advocacy work to acknowledge the invaluable role and contribution of women in agriculture and rural development and build society-wide solidarity to empower women and girls in rural areas.

We encourage you to read the Declaration and reflect on how you and other stakeholders can use this Declaration and make a real contribution to the wellbeing of women and girls in rural areas.

Click here to download the Declaration in English / Albanian.