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*Scroll down for the Call for Applications for the Farm to Fork Academy Fund


Project title Farm to Fork Academy for Green Western Balkans – Our shared European future
Funded by European Commission
Support to Regional thematic networks of Civil Society Organizations EuropeAid/174154/DH/ACT/MultiLot 3: Green and Digital Transition
Project region WB-6 Countries and Croatia
Lead organization Albanian Network for Rural Development
Duration 16.01.2023 – 15.01.2027
Budget 1,442,183.16 Euro

The regional project ‘Farm to Fork Academy for Green Western Balkans – Our shared European future’ involves the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Croatia. The Farm to Fork Academy Project – is jointly implemented by the family of National Rural Development Networks (NRDNs) in the six Western Balkan countries (WB-6) and Croatia and their regional cooperation platform Balkan Network for Rural Development (BRDN).

The project focuses on the implementation of the EU integration and approximation process in the WB countries in the agricultural and rural development sector by advancing the green and just transition in the region through the contribution of civil society actors.

It will do so by stimulating a better environment for CSOs and CSOs Networks and other rural stakeholders to proactively contribute in addressing societal challenges related to climate changes and biodiversity losses through building competencies able to assist farming and rural communities toward green and just transition across the region, whereas are able to sustain participatory and bottom-up consultation and constructive policy dialogue to accelerate the reforming process in approximating with EU’s common agricultural policy (CAP), in particular alignment with the EU Green Deal and F2F Strategy.

For more information, please read the fact sheet of the project Fact Sheet_Farm To Fork Academy project.


Open Call for Applications: Support to Civil Society Organizations through the Farm to Fork Academy Fund 

The Farm to Fork Academy for Green Western Balkans project supports civil society actors in the Western Balkans and Croatia in advancing the green and just transition aligned with the EU Green Deal and the Farm to Fork (F2F) Strategy. This fund aims to enhance civil society’s role in the EU integration process, particularly in sustainable agriculture and rural development. 


  • Overall Goal: Strengthen civil society’s contribution to EU integration, focusing on sustainable food systems and climate change.
  • Specific Goal: Promote innovative, green, and inclusive solutions for sustainable livelihoods, addressing climate change and biodiversity loss. 

Themes for Proposals 

  • Sustainable farming and agriculture practices, rural development, and food production
  • Environmental protection and biodiversity conservation 
  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation 

Eligibility Criteria:

  • F2F Academy Fund Line 1: Local Action Groups (LAGs) registered as CSOs with at least six months of relevant experience.
  • F2F Academy Fund Line 2: Grassroots CSOs and membership-based organizations (e.g., farmers associations, cooperatives) with at least two years of relevant experience. 

Grant Details: 

  • Grant Amount: EUR 3,000 – EUR 5,000 (100% of eligible costs covered). 
  • Fund Allocation: EUR 120,000 per fund line, with a budget of EUR 20,000 per country.Project Duration:
    Minimum 6 months, maximum 9 months. 

Place of Implementation: 

Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia. 

 Submission Deadline: 

Applications must be submitted by 25 April 2025, 23:59, to F2FAcademyFund@anrd.al. 

 Required Documents: 

  • Application Package 
  • Supporting Documents  

For more information, please refer to the full application package.

Albania | Link to Local Call
Bosnia and Herzegovina  | Link to Local Call
Kosovo  | Link to Local Call
Montenegro  | Link to Local Call
North Macedonia  | Link to Local Call
Serbia  | Link to Local Call