A material prepared under the project ‘Farm to Fork Academy: V4 for Sustainable Agriculture in Albania’, supported by the International Visegrad Fund and implemented by Albanian Network for Rural Development, in partnership with Rural Parliament in Slovakia, Hungarian National Rural Network, Local Action Group “Vistula – Terra Culmensis” and Czech-Moravian Association of Agricultural Entrepreneurs.
The project “Farm to Fork Academy: V4 for Sustainable Agriculture in Albania” aims to promote biodiversity and its protection on various levels. It is a multidimensional initiative that tackles aspects mentioned in European Green Deal. Its educational function consists of bringing the knowledge to the farmers chosen to take part in the project. The target group is educated on the importance of biodiversity and how to ensure it on their croplands, they learn how to combine traditional knowledge with the innovative approach, resulting in increased effectiveness of food production, under the paradigm of sustainable growth.
Access the material here.