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The young people of the Rural Youth Center on October 11-14, 2023 participated in the training on Advocacy, which took place within the Rural Albanian Youth (Rural-You) project. The training aimed to: strengthen the capacity of advocacy and representation of the interests of the members of the Rural Youth Hub at the local, national, and EU levels.

The participants who were part of the training were originally part of the largest rural event organized in the country for Rural youth, the First National Youth Assembly. The assembly “The Present and the Future of Young People in Rural Areas”  held on October 11, 2023 was part of the Third Albanian Rural Parliament, organized by the Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD) in cooperation with the Agricultural University of Tirana (UBT).

Mr. Bartolini, the expert and at the same time deputy, the Vice President of Cia – Agricoltori Italiani, one of the most influential organizations in Italy and all of Europe regarding policies for the welfare of young farmers, also brought examples of the best practices of Rural Advocacy in the European Union. He focused the training on topics such as: what is advocacy, rural policy development processes, public policy analysis, effective advocacy strategies, and communication.

The training continued with a comparison of the Albanian rural reality, where rural policies are often invisible to the community and how the young people are capable of advocating for rural development.

Thanks to the contribution of 17 participants in the training, attention was paid to the realization of the First Declaration of RYH to be presented at the closing session of the Third Rural Parliament. On the last day of the Training, the young people drew up the Advocacy plan for the Rural Youth Center (RYH) and developed the plan for expanding the membership of RYH.

#RuralYothHub #RuralYou #Fordynamicruralcommunities

ℹ️ The Rural-You project is financed by the European Union in Albania and implemented by Volontari nel Mondo RTM in cooperation with the Albanian Network for Rural Development – ANRD, ADAD MaloreAgroPuka, Partnership for Development Foundation and Associazione Giovani Imprenditori Agricoli (Cia – Agricoltori Italiani)”.