Call for Expression of Interest “National Consultant for the preparation of Monitoring Report on National Plan to European Integration, Chapter 11 – Agriculture and Rural Development”
Terms of Reference IDM Albania is looking to engage one National Consultant for the preparation of Monitoring Report on National Plan to European Integration, Chapter 11 – Agriculture and Rural Development Deadline for applications is July 20th, 2019. Background...
Boosting rural youth ICT and soft skills to increase integration and employability in the labour market
“Boosting rural youth ICT and soft skills to increase integration and employability in the labour market” is a project funded by the British Embassy in Tirana, supported by UNDP Albania, under the call “Support to employment and social services for vulnerable youth...
Reggio Terzo Mondo (RTM)
RTM is an international voluntary non-governmental organization (NGO) inspired by Christian values. Since 1973, it has promoted international cooperation and solidarity projects in Africa, Central and South-Eastern Europe, Latin America, Western Balkans and Middle...