+355 (04) 2400241 [email protected]


  1. Procedure: Open call
  2. Contract title: “Supply contract for the provision of Equipment for Medicinal Herb Processing for the Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD)”
  3. Financed from: UN Women
  4. Contracting Authority: Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD).
  5. Location: Gramsh (delivery location), Albania
  6. Eligibility: Participation in tendering is open on equal terms to duly registered local legal entities exercising this kind of activity

Subject: Invitation to tender for the provision of Equipment for Medicinal Herb Processing  for the non-governmental organization Albanian Network for Rural Development in the frame of the project ‘Support the economic and social empowerment of rural women in the municipalities of Elbasan, Gramsh and Kolonjë’.

This is an invitation to tender for the above-mentioned contract. ANRD is seeking a locally qualified provider to conclude a supply contract for Equipment for Medicinal Herb Processing. The successful tenderer shall provide accurate equipment for medicinal herb processing following the principle of cost effectiveness. A detailed description is provided in the Request for Quotation.

The Albanian Network for Rural Development is a non-governmental organization that aims to contribute to the sustainable development of rural communities in Albania. Established in 2015, ANRD is a membership organization consisting of thirty-four full-fledged member organizations with long and consolidated experience in various rural development topics across Albania. As part of its effort aiming at economic empowerment of women in rural areas, ANRD is interested to procure equipment for medicinal herb processing benefiting a local women group involved in the medicinal herb value chain.

Tenders must be submitted in English exclusively to the contracting authority Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD) within the given deadline 24 June by 17:00 and should be sent  “At the address in a sealed envelope” addressed to: ANRD, Rr. Qemal Stafa, Pazari i ri, pallati n74, kati 2, Tirana  or e-mail to [email protected].

All tenders submitted after the above given deadline shall be rejected.

By submitting a tender, the tenderer accepts to receive notification of the outcome of the procedure by electronic means.

Provisional commencement of the contract: July 1, 2024

Tenders must be submitted via courier mail or e-mail to the address: ANRD, Rr. Qemal Stafa, Pazari i ri, pallati n74, kati 2, Tirana, or e-mail to [email protected].

Deadline for the tender submission: June 24, 2024, 17:00.

Choice of selected tenderer / Award Criteria:  Lowest price, satisfying the administrative and technical criteria.

Duration of the contract: Two months with the possibility of extension

All the tenderers must fulfill the following criteria:

  1. Entity’s location: Albania.
  2. Must be registered at the National Business Center and have an Active Status.
  3. Be an Entity with its activity scope that includes “Equipment and Appliance Retail”.

Content of Tenders

All bids submitted must comply with the requirements and comprise the following:

1. “Administrative and technical bid for the Procedure of Offer for Procurement of Equipment for Medicinal Herb Processing” consisting of:

a. Information on the bidder’s legal form.
b. Extract on the bidder’s history issued by the National Registration Center.
c. Certificate of Active Status (issued by e-Albania).
d. Declaration on the bid’s validity for 90 days.
e. ANRD Code of Conduct ANNEX 3 (singed and stamped).
f. Technical specifications form of the requested service by the bidder and delivery schedule (ANNEX 1).
g. Catalogue of the offered equipment and its technical data.
h. Warranty terms and conditions.

2. “Economic Offer for the Procedure of Offer for Procurement of Equipment for Medicinal Herb Processing” consisting of:

i) The bidder’s financial proposal (ANNEX 2)

  • The unit price in the financial proposal should specify that VAT is included.
  • Prices must include all payable taxes, transportation to Gramsh and putting in operation.
  • The proposed prices must be valid for the entire duration of the contract.


  1. Duration of the supply contract: Two months with the possibility of extension.
  2. Failure of the selected tenderer to comply with this requirement and/or availability may constitute grounds for annulling the award decision. In this event, the contracting authority may decide to award the contract to the second-best tenderer or cancel the tender procedure.
  3. Payments under the call off orders will be executed within 30 days upon receipt and confirmation of the invoice.

Instructions to tender


ANNEX II_ Economic Offer

ANNEX III ANRD-Code of Conduct 


Thank you for your offer!